
Spherification is a gelling technique that coats liquids within a thin gel to give the appearance of egg yolks, caviars and so on. Its spectacular look and the way it helps flavours burst on the palate have already turned this innovation into a modern pastry and cuisine classic.


Three basic steps are used to create direct spherifications:

  1. In the first, we combine the product we want to spherify with the Alginate. We blend them together, then leave the mixture to stand until it has lost all its air bubbles. The product’s acidity level must be taken into account. If it has a pH lower than 4 at this point, we add the correct amount of sodium citrate (pH Kit). Excessive use will create an unpleasant taste.
  2. The second step is an immersion in Calcium Chloride (Clorur). Use 5-8g per liter, depending on the size of the sphere. The Alginate reacts when it comes into contact with the Calcium Chloride (Clorur), causing it to form a layer that will gel inwardly. The more time it spends with the Calcium Chloride (Clorur), the more jellied it will be, until it sets completely.
  3. In the third and final step, we use water to clean the spheres and get rid of the unpleasant taste produced by the Calcium Chloride  (Clorur).


Liquids that naturally contain calcium, such as dairy products, should be spherified in reverse, i.e. by inverting the first two steps. The same applies to products to which Gluconolactate is added. Again, there are three steps:

  1. First we take our calcium- or Gluconolactate-based product. If the product does not have the right density, we add 6g of Gelespessa (2g xanthan gum) per kilo so that the sphere we form is heavy enough to be immersed during the second step.
  2. For the second step, we immerse the product in a liter of mineral water (without calcium) combined with 5g of Alginate.
  3. In the third and final step, we use water to clean the spheres.
  4. By reversing the order of the first two steps, the sphere always remains liquid on the inside, since the gel layer faces outwards.