Sosa's Xilitol (Xylitol) is a sweetener extracted mainly from the sap of the birch tree that provides a fresh sensation on contact with taste buds.
Widely used in beverages, chewing gum and sugar-free candies for its refreshing and antibacterial properties, it enhances the flavour of preparations containing fruit.
Advantages: fresh taste, same sweetness as sugar, high anti-crystallizing power (AFP), low in carbohydrates, antibacterial.
Applications: gummies, chewing gum and candies, soft drinks, confectionery products in general, chocolates, ice creams and sorbets, jams and fruit sauces.
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Product of Spain.
Sosa Ingredients is one of the leading manufacturers of premium ingredients for gastronomy and pastry.
Many products we sell at Gusta Supplies are exactly what we use in class -- authentic ingredients and professional-grade tools used in high end hotels and restaurants. We hope you enjoy using these products as much as our chefs favour them.
Inventory Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024